API Reference

Documentation for the IAITrees public interface.




Abstract type encompassing all tree-based learners.

Tree Structure

These functions can be used to query the structure of a TreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization

Return the number of nodes in the trained lnr.


is_leaf(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a leaf.


IAI.is_leaf(lnr, 1)
get_depth(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the depth of node node_index in the trained lnr.


IAI.get_depth(lnr, 6)
get_num_samples(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the number of training points contained in node node_index in the trained lnr.


IAI.get_num_samples(lnr, 6)
get_parent(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the index of the parent of node node_index in the trained lnr.


IAI.get_parent(lnr, 2)
get_lower_child(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the index of the lower child of node node_index in the trained lnr.


IAI.get_lower_child(lnr, 1)
get_upper_child(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the index of the upper child of node node_index in the trained lnr.


IAI.get_upper_child(lnr, 1)
is_parallel_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a parallel split.


IAI.is_parallel_split(lnr, 1)
is_hyperplane_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a hyperplane split.


IAI.is_hyperplane_split(lnr, 2)
is_categoric_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a categoric split.


IAI.is_categoric_split(lnr, 5)
is_ordinal_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is an ordinal split.


IAI.is_ordinal_split(lnr, 1)
is_mixed_parallel_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a mixed categoric/parallel split.


IAI.is_mixed_parallel_split(lnr, 2)
is_mixed_ordinal_split(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if node node_index in the trained lnr is a mixed categoric/ordinal split.


IAI.is_mixed_ordinal_split(lnr, 5)
missing_goes_lower(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return true if missing values take the lower branch at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to non-leaf nodes.


IAI.missing_goes_lower(lnr, 1)
get_split_feature(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the feature used in the split at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to categoric, ordinal, parallel, categoric/ordinal, and categoric/parallel splits.


IAI.get_split_feature(lnr, 1)
get_split_threshold(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return the threshold used in the split at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to hyperplane, parallel, and categoric/parallel splits.


IAI.get_split_threshold(lnr, 1)
get_split_categories(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return a Dict containing the categoric/ordinal information used in the split at node node_index in the trained lnr, where the keys are the levels used in the split and the values are true if that level follows the lower branch and false if that level follows the upper branch.

Applies to categoric, ordinal, categoric/ordinal, and categoric/parallel splits.


IAI.get_split_categories(lnr, 5)
Dict{Any, Bool} with 5 entries:
  "B" => 1
  "A" => 1
  "C" => 0
  "D" => 0
  "E" => 0
get_split_weights(lnr::TreeLearner, node_index::Int)

Return two Dicts containing the weights for numeric and categoric features, respectively, used in the hyperplane split at node node_index in the trained lnr.

The numeric Dict has key-value pairs of feature names and their corresponding weights in the hyperplane split.

The categoric Dict has key-value pairs of feature names and a corresponding Dict that maps the categoric levels for that feature to their weights in the hyperplane.

Any features not included in either Dict has zero weight in the hyperplane, and similarly, any categoric levels that are not included have zero weight.

Applies to hyperplane splits.


numeric_weights, categoric_weights = IAI.get_split_weights(lnr, 2)
Dict{Symbol, Float64} with 2 entries:
  :score3 => 1.20415
  :score2 => 0.0189015
Dict{Symbol, Dict{Any, Float64}} with 1 entry:
  :region => Dict("E"=>1.47922)


These functions can be used to query the structure of a ClassificationTreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization
get_classification_label(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the predicted label at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_classification_label(lnr, 2)
get_classification_proba(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the predicted probabilities of class membership at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_classification_proba(lnr, 4)
Dict{String, Float64} with 3 entries:
  "virginica"  => 0.0925926
  "setosa"     => 0.0
  "versicolor" => 0.907407
get_regression_constant(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the constant term in the logistic regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr, or NaN if the node does not contain a logistic regression model.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.

get_regression_weights(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the weights for each feature in the logistic regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr. The weights are returned as two Dicts in the same format as described for get_split_weights.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


These functions can be used to query the structure of a RegressionTreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization
get_regression_constant(lnr::RegressionTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the constant term in the regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_regression_constant(lnr, 2)
IAI.get_regression_constant(lnr, 3)
get_regression_weights(lnr::RegressionTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the weights for each feature in the regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr. The weights are returned as two Dicts in the same format as described for get_split_weights.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


numeric_weights, categoric_weights = IAI.get_regression_weights(lnr, 3)
Dict{Symbol, Float64} with 4 entries:
  :Cyl  => -0.794566
  :WT   => -1.64974
  :Gear => 0.0585196
  :HP   => -0.0126672
Dict{Symbol, Dict{Any, Float64}}()


These functions can be used to query the structure of a SurvivalTreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization
get_survival_curve(lnr::SurvivalTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the SurvivalCurve fitted at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_survival_curve(lnr, 2)
SurvivalCurve with 22 breakpoints
get_survival_expected_time(lnr::SurvivalTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the predicted expected survival time at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_survival_expected_time(lnr, 2)
get_survival_hazard(lnr::SurvivalTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the predicted hazard ratio at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_survival_hazard(lnr, 2)
get_regression_constant(lnr::SurvivalTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the constant term in the Cox regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr, or NaN if the node does not contain a Cox regression model.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.

get_regression_weights(lnr::SurvivalTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return the weights for each feature in the Cox regression prediction at node node_index in the trained lnr. The weights are returned as two Dicts in the same format as described for get_split_weights.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


These functions can be used to query the structure of a PrescriptionTreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization
                                node_index::Int; check_leaf::Bool=true)

Return a Vector containing the treatments ordered from most effective to least effective at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_prescription_treatment_rank(lnr, 2)
2-element Vector{String}:
get_regression_constant(lnr::PrescriptionTreeLearner, node_index::Int,
                       treatment::Any; check_leaf::Bool=true)

Return the constant in the regression prediction for treatment at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_regression_constant(lnr, 2, "A")
get_regression_weights(lnr::PrescriptionTreeLearner, node_index::Int,
                       treatment::Any; check_leaf::Bool=true)

Return the weights for each feature in the regression prediction for treatment at node node_index in the trained lnr. The weights are returned as two Dicts in the same format as described for get_split_weights.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


numeric_weights, categoric_weights = IAI.get_regression_weights(lnr, 2, "A")
Dict{Symbol, Float64} with 1 entry:
  :SystolicBP => -1.37769
Dict{Symbol, Dict{Any, Float64}}()


These functions can be used to query the structure of a PolicyTreeLearner. The examples make use of the following tree:

Optimal Trees Visualization
get_policy_treatment_rank(lnr::PolicyTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return a Vector containing the treatments ordered from most effective to least effective at node node_index in the trained lnr.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


IAI.get_policy_treatment_rank(lnr, 3)
3-element Vector{String}:
get_policy_treatment_outcome(lnr::PolicyTreeLearner, node_index::Int;

Return a DataFrameRow containing the quality of the treatments at node node_index in the trained lnr. These quality estimates are the values used by the model to determine the treatment ranks in get_policy_treatment_rank and are based on aggregate statistics.

Applies to leaf nodes by default, set check_leaf=false to enable retrieving the same information from a split node as though it was a leaf node.


outcome = IAI.get_policy_treatment_outcome(lnr, 3)
 Row │ A         B        C
     │ Float64   Float64  Float64
   1 │ 0.827778  1.70248  1.09849


apply(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput)

Return a Vector{Int} that contains the leaf index in lnr into which each point in the features X falls.

apply_nodes(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput)

Return a Vector with one entry for each node in lnr. The tth element is a Vector{Int} containing the indices of the points from the features X that fall into node t or its children.

decision_path(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput)

Return a SparseMatrixCSC{Bool,Int64} where entry (i, j) is true if the ith point in the features X passes through the jth node in lnr.

print_path(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput, i::Int)

Print the decision path for the ith sample in the features X. The output displays the value of the relevant features for the specified sample and the rules for the path that it takes through the tree.


Print the path through the tree for the first sample in the features X:

IAI.print_path(lnr, X, 1)
Rules used to predict sample 1:
  1) Split: score1 (=28.9) < 60.04
    2) Split: 0.0189 * score2 + 1.204 * score3 + 1.479 * region=E (=3.508) ≥ 2.346
      4) Predict: true (97.50%), [2,78], 80 points, error 0.025

print_path(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput, inds::AbstractVector{Int})

Print the decision path for the samples in the features X indicated by inds.


Print the path through the tree for the first two samples in the features X:

IAI.print_path(lnr, X, 1:2)
Rules used to predict sample 1:
  1) Split: score1 (=28.9) < 60.04
    2) Split: 0.0189 * score2 + 1.204 * score3 + 1.479 * region=E (=3.508) ≥ 2.346
      4) Predict: true (97.50%), [2,78], 80 points, error 0.025
Rules used to predict sample 2:
  1) Split: score1 (=29.72) < 60.04
    2) Split: 0.0189 * score2 + 1.204 * score3 + 1.479 * region=E (=2.341) < 2.346
      3) Predict: false (99.56%), [228,1], 229 points, error 0.004367

print_path(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput)

Print the decision path for each sample in the features X.


Print the path through the tree for all samples in the features X:

IAI.print_path(lnr, X)

(output omitted for brevity)

print_path(io::IO, lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput)
print_path(io::IO, lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput, i::Int)
print_path(io::IO, lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput,

Variants of print_path that write to a specified io rather than to stdout.


Write the output of print_path to print_path.txt:

open("print_path.txt", "w") do f
  IAI.print_path(f, lnr, X, 1)

Capture the output of print_path as a String:

sprint(IAI.print_path, lnr, X, 1)
"Rules used to predict sample 1:\n  1) Split: score1 (=28.9) < 60.04\n    2) Split: 0.0189 * score2 + 1.204 * score3 + 1.479 * region=E (=3.508) ≥ 2.346\n      4) Predict: true (97.50%), [2,78], 80 points, error 0.025\n"
variable_importance(lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

For tree learners, the importance of each variable is measured as the total decrease in the loss function as a direct result of each split in the trees of lnr that use this variable.

Keyword Arguments

  • proportion_to_use::Real: a number between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of trees to use when calculating importance. The default value is 0.1, indicating that the best 10% of the trees saved in lnr should be used.

variable_importance(::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput; keyword_arguments...)

For tree learners, calculates the variable importance of lnr for the samples in X, where the importance at each node is weighted by the number of samples that pass through that node.

Keyword Arguments

  • proportion_to_use::Real: as above.
  • sample_weight::SampleWeightInput=nothing: the weighting to give to each data point.

variable_importance(::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput, y::TargetInput...;

For tree learners, calculates the variable importance of lnr with respect to data X and y.

Keyword Arguments

  • proportion_to_use::Real: as above.
  • sample_weight::SampleWeightInput=nothing: the weighting to give to each data point.
  • criterion=:default: the scoring criterion to use when evaluating the importance (refer to the documentation on scoring criteria for more information). Uses the criterion in lnr if left as :default.
  • extra keyword arguments are passed through to configure the specified scoring criterion (e.g. tweedie_variance_power for :tweedie)

Task-specific Functions


set_threshold!(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, label::Any, threshold::Real,

For a binary classification problem, update the the predicted labels in the leaves of lnr. After running, a leaf will predict label only if the predicted probability for this label is at least threshold; otherwise, the other label will be predicted.

If simplify is true, the tree will be simplified so that there is no split that has two leaves with the same label prediction as children. This means that if both sides of a split are leaf nodes with the same label prediction, the split will be deleted from the tree and replaced with a single leaf node. This simplification is applied recursively throughout the tree.

Refer to the documentation on setting the threshold for more information.


Interactive Visualizations

write_html(f, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)
write_html(f, grid::GridSearch; keyword_arguments...)

Write interactive browser visualization of lnr or grid to f in HTML format.

Keyword Arguments

  • show_node_id=true: whether to show the ID label for each node

  • data: specify data to be shown in the visualization, should be passed as a Tuple or Vector in the same order as passed to fit!, i.e.:

    • data=(X, y) for classification and regression problems
    • data=(X, deaths, times) for survival problems
    • data=(X, treatments, outcomes) for prescription problems
    • data=(X, rewards) for policy problems

    You can also pass data=X to show the features without target information.

    Refer to the Tree Visualization documentation for more information.


Save tree to mytree.html:

IAI.write_html("mytree.html", lnr)
show_in_browser(lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)
show_in_browser(grid::GridSearch; keyword_arguments...)

Show interactive visualization of lnr or grid in default browser.

Supports the same keyword arguments as write_html.

write_questionnaire(f, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)
write_questionnaire(f, grid::GridSearch; keyword_arguments...)

Write interactive questionnaire based on lnr or grid to f in HTML format.

Keyword Arguments

  • include_not_sure_buttons: a Bool specifying whether to include "Not sure" buttons for each question. The default behavior is to include these buttons if any missing data was present in the training data.

This function also supports the same keyword arguments as write_html.


Save questionnaire to questions.html:

IAI.write_questionnaire("myquestionnaire.html", lnr)
show_questionnaire(lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)
show_questionnaire(grid::GridSearch; keyword_arguments...)

Show interactive questionnaire based on lnr or grid in default browser.

Supports the same keyword arguments as write_questionnaire.

TreePlot(lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Specifies an interactive tree visualization of lnr.

Keyword Arguments

  • feature_renames, level_renames and label_renames allow renaming different aspects of the data
  • extra_content allows including additional output at each node in the visualization

Refer to the documentation on advanced visualization for more information on using these keyword arguments.

Questionnaire(lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Specifies an interactive questionnaire based on lnr.

Supports the same keyword arguments as TreePlot.

MultiTreePlot(grid::GridSearch; keyword_arguments...)

Constructs an interactive tree visualization containing the final fitted learner as well as the learner found for each parameter combination. The keyword arguments are the same as for TreePlot.

Static Images

write_png(filename::AbstractString, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Write lnr to filename as a PNG image.

Before using this function, make sure that either Graphviz_jll is loaded, or GraphViz is installed and on the system PATH.

Keyword Arguments

  • feature_renames, level_renames and label_renames: renaming different aspects of the data
  • extra_content: including additional output at each node in the visualization
  • font: the font for the text in the image. Defaults to "Arial"
  • show_missing_direction: whether to include the missing data direction in the split criterion. Defaults to true if the data has missing observations, and false otherwise
  • show_node_id=true: whether to show the ID label for each node

Refer to the documentation on advanced visualization for more information on using these keyword arguments.


Save tree to mytree.png:

IAI.write_png("mytree.png", lnr)
write_pdf(filename::AbstractString, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Write lnr to filename as a PDF image.

Supports the same keyword arguments and has the same requirements as write_png.

write_svg(filename::AbstractString, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Write lnr to filename as an SVG image.

Supports the same keyword arguments and has the same requirements as write_png.

write_dot(f, lnr::TreeLearner; keyword_arguments...)

Write the trained tree of lnr into .dot format to the stream f.

Supports the same keyword arguments as write_png.


Save tree to mytree.dot:

IAI.write_dot("mytree.dot", lnr)

You can then convert mytree.dot to PNG image at the command line (requires GraphViz be installed):

$ dot -Tpng -o mytree.png mytree.dot

Tree Stability

get_tree(lnr::TreeLearner, index::Integer)

Return a copy of lnr that uses the tree at index rather than the tree with the best training objective.

Stability Analysis

StabilityAnalysis(lnr::TreeLearner, X, y...; criterion=:default)

Conduct a stability analysis of the trees in lnr. The similarity scores are calculated using the data X and y with criterion if supplied, otherwise the data and criterion from training are reused.


For classification problems, we strongly suggest that the stability analysis is conducted with :gini or :entropy as the criterion, as similarity measures derived using :misclassification are not as precise.

The resulting analysis can be visualized in the browser using show_in_browser, or with write_html to save the visualization in HTML format. You can also use plot from Plots.jl to view a summary of the analysis.


Return a DataFrame containing the trained trees in order of increasing training objective value, along with their variable importance scores for each feature.

get_cluster_distances(s::StabilityAnalysis, num_trees::Int)

Return a Matrix containing the distances between the centroids of each pair of clusters, under the clustering of the best num_trees trees.

get_cluster_assignments(s::StabilityAnalysis, num_trees::Int)

Return a Vector containing the indices of the trees assigned to each cluster, under the clustering of the best num_trees trees.

get_cluster_details(s::StabilityAnalysis, num_trees::Int)

Return a DataFrame containing the centroid information for each cluster, under the clustering of the best num_trees trees.

Similarity Comparison

SimilarityComparison(orig_lnr::TreeLearner, new_lnr::TreeLearner,

Conduct a similarity comparison between the final tree in orig_lnr and all trees in new_lnr to consider the tradeoff between training performance and similarity to the original tree. deviations is a vector containing the distances between the tree in orig_lnr and all trees in new_lnr, as calculated by variable_importance_similarity, for example.

The resulting analysis can be visualized in the browser using show_in_browser, or with write_html to save the visualization in HTML format. You can also use plot from Plots.jl to view a summary of the analysis.

variable_importance_similarity(orig_lnr::TreeLearner, new_lnr::TreeLearner)
variable_importance_similarity(orig_lnr::TreeLearner, new_lnr::TreeLearner,
                               X, y...; criterion=:default)

Calculate similarity scores between the final tree in orig_lnr and all trees in new_lnr using variable importance scores. Scores are calculated using the data X and y with criterion if supplied, otherwise the data and criterion from training are reused.


For classification problems, we strongly suggest that the scores are calculate with :gini or :entropy as the criterion, as similarity measures derived using :misclassification are not as precise.


Extract the training objective value for each candidate tree in s, where a lower value indicates a better solution.


set_display_label!(lnr::ClassificationTreeLearner, display_label::Any)

Changes which predicted probability is displayed when visualizing lnr to show the probability of display_label.

set_display_label!(grid::GridSearch{<:ClassificationTreeLearner}, display_label::Any)

Changes which predicted probability is displayed when visualizing grid to show the probability of display_label.


Resets the predicted probability displayed for lnr to be that of the predicted label.


Resets the predicted probability displayed for grid to be that of the predicted label.

compare_group_outcomes(lnr::TreeLearner, X::FeatureInput, y::AbstractVector,
                       group::AbstractVector; keyword_arguments...)

In each node of lnr, conduct between-group statistical comparisons of the outcomes for data X and y that fall into the node, where the groups are given by group.

Returns a Vector where each entry corresponds to a node in the tree, and is a NamedTuple with two fields:

  • summary: A DataFrame summarizing the outcome by group in this node
  • p_value: A Dict containing the p-values of the statistical tests conducted. There are four types of tests conducted:
    • "overall": A single p-value indicating whether there is an overall difference in outcomes between groups in this node (for regression, Welch's test; for classification, chi-squared test)
    • "vs-mean": A Dict with one p-value for each group indicating whether there is a difference between this group and the overall population (for regression, one-sample t-test; for classification, binomial test)
    • "vs-rest": A Dict with one p-value for each group indicating whether there is a difference between this group and all other groups (for regression, two-sample t-test; for classification, Fisher-exact test)
    • "pairwise": A Dict of Dicts, with one p-value for each pair of groups indicating whether there is a difference between these two groups (for regression, two-sample t-test; for classification, Fisher-exact test)

Keyword Arguments

  • positive_label: For classification only, specify which label in y to treat as the positive label
  • approx::Bool=false: Whether to use approximate comparisons, which can often be significantly faster. For classification, replaces Fisher-exact tests with chi-squared tests.