API Reference

Documentation for the iai package




Initialize Julia and the IAI package.

This function is called automatically with default parameters the first time any iai function is used in an R session. If custom parameters for Julia setup are required, this function must be called in every R session before calling other iai functions.


install_julia(version = "latest", prefix = julia_default_install_dir())

Download and install Julia automatically.


  • version: The version of Julia to install (e.g. "1.6.3"). Defaults to "latest", which will install the most recent stable release.
  • prefix: The directory where Julia will be installed. Defaults to a location determined by rappdirs::user_data_dir.
  version = "latest",
  replace_default = FALSE,
  prefix = sysimage_default_install_dir(),
  accept_license = FALSE

Download and install the IAI system image automatically.


  • version: The version of the IAI system image to install (e.g. "2.1.0"). Defaults to "latest", which will install the most recent release.
  • replace_default: Whether to replace the default Julia system image with the downloaded IAI system image. Defaults to FALSE.
  • prefix: The directory where the IAI system image will be installed. Defaults to a location determined by rappdirs::user_data_dir.
  • accept_license: Set to TRUE to confirm that you agree to the End User License Agreement and skip the interactive confirmation dialog.

Return the machine ID for the current computer.

This ID ties the IAI license file to your machine.


Acquire an IAI license for the current session.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.acquire_license


  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.1 or higher.


Loads the Julia Graphviz library to permit certain visualizations.

The library will be installed if not already present.

General Utilities


Resume training from a checkpoint file

Julia Equivalent: IAI.resume_from_checkpoint


  • checkpoint_file: The location of the checkpoint file.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.1 or higher.

Data Preparation

as.mixeddata(values, categorical_levels, ordinal_levels = c())

Convert a vector of values to IAI mixed data format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.make_mixed_data


  • values: The vector of values to convert
  • categorical_levels: The values in values to treat as categoric levels
  • ordinal_levels: (optional) The values in values to treat as ordinal levels, in the order supplied
split_data(task, X, ...)

Split the data into training and test datasets

Julia Equivalent: IAI.split_data


  • task: The type of problem.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.


score(obj, predictions, truths, ...)

Calculate the score for a set of predictions on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The type of problem.
  • predictions: The predictions to evaluate.
  • truths: The true target values for these observations.
  • ...: Other parameters, including the criterion. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


General learners

fit(obj, X, ...)

Fits a model to the training data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit!


  • obj: The learner to fit.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
variable_importance(obj, ...)

Generate a ranking of the variables in a learner according to their importance during training. The results are normalized so that they sum to one.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.variable_importance


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Return the names of the features used by the learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_features_used


  • lnr: The learner to query.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

set_params(lnr, ...)

Set all supplied parameters on a learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.set_params!


  • lnr: The learner to modify.
  • ...: The parameters to set on the learner.

Return the value of all parameters on a learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_params


  • lnr: The learner to query.

Return an unfitted copy of a learner with the same parameters

Julia Equivalent: IAI.clone


  • lnr: The learner to copy.

Read in a learner or grid saved in JSON format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.read_json


  • filename: The location of the JSON file.
write_json(filename, obj, ...)

Output a learner or grid in JSON format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_json


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The learner or grid to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Supervised learners

predict(obj, X, ...)

Return the predictions made by a supervised learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the score for a model on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Classification learners

predict_proba(obj, X, ...)

Return the probabilities of class membership predicted by a classification learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_proba


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
roc_curve(obj, ...)

Generic function for constructing an ROC curve

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ROCCurve


  • obj: The object controlling which method is used
  • ...: Arguments depending on the specific method used
roc_curve(obj, X, y, ...)

Construct an ROC curve using a trained classification learner on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ROCCurve


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • y: The labels of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
roc_curve(obj, y, positive_label = stop("`positive_label` is required"), ...)

Construct an ROC curve from predicted probabilities and true labels

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ROCCurve


  • obj: The predicted probabilities for each point in the data.
  • y: The true labels of the data.
  • positive_label: The label for which probability is being predicted.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.


Extract the underlying data from an ROC curve

ROC curves are returned by roc_curve, e.g. roc_curve.classification_learner

The data is returned as a list with two keys: auc giving the area-under-the-curve, and coords containing a vector of lists representing each point on the curve, each with keys fpr (the false positive rate), tpr (the true positive rate) and threshold (the threshold).

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_roc_curve_data


  • curve: The curve to query.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

plot(x, ...)

Plot an ROC curve


  • x: The ROC curve to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

ggplot2::autoplot(object, ...)

Construct a ggplot2::ggplot object plotting the ROC curve


  • object: The ROC curve to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

write_html(filename, obj, ...)

Output an ROC curve as an interactive browser visualization in HTML format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_html


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The curve to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

show_in_browser(obj, ...)

Show interactive visualization of a roc_curve in the default browser

Julia Equivalent: IAI.show_in_browser


  • obj: The curve to visualize.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

Survival learners

predict(obj, X, t = NULL, ...)

Return the predictions made by a survival learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • t: The time for which to predict survival probability, defaulting to returning the entire survival curve if not supplied
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
predict_hazard(obj, X, ...)

Return the fitted hazard coefficient estimate made by a survival learner for each point in the features.

A higher hazard coefficient estimate corresponds to a smaller predicted survival time.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_hazard


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.2 or higher.

predict_expected_survival_time(obj, X, ...)

Return the expected survival time estimate made by a survival learner for each point in the features.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_expected_survival_time


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

Prescription learners

predict_outcomes(obj, X, ...)

Return the predicted outcome for each treatment made by a prescription learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_outcomes


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)

Policy learners

predict_outcomes(obj, X, rewards, ...)

Return the predicted outcome for each treatment made by a policy learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_outcomes


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • rewards: The estimated reward matrix for the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher

predict_treatment_rank(lnr, X)

Return the treatments in ranked order of effectiveness for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_treatment_rank


  • lnr: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

predict_treatment_outcome(lnr, X)

Return the estimated quality of each treatment in the trained model of the learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_treatment_outcome


  • lnr: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

Imputation learners

fit(obj, X, ...)

Fits an imputation learner to the training data.

Additional keyword arguments are available for fitting imputation learners - please refer to the Julia documentation.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit!


  • obj: The learner or grid to fit.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
fit_transform(lnr, X, ...)

Fit an imputation model using the given features and impute the missing values in these features

Similar to calling fit.imputation_learner followed by transform

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_transform!


  • lnr: The learner or grid to use for imputation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
transform(lnr, X)

Impute missing values in a dataframe using a fitted imputation model

Julia Equivalent: IAI.transform


  • lnr: The learner or grid to use for imputation
  • X: The features of the data.

Multi-task learners

predict(obj, X, ...)

Return the predictions made by a multi-task supervised learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict and IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.

score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the score for a multi-task model on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score and IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.

predict_proba(obj, X, ...)

Return the probabilities of class membership predicted by a multi-task classification learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_proba and IAI.predict_proba


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.

roc_curve(obj, X, y, ...)

Construct an ROC curve using a trained multi-task classification learner on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ROCCurve and IAI.ROCCurve


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • y: The labels of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.


write_html(filename, obj, ...)

Output an object as an interactive browser visualization in HTML format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_html


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The object to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
questionnaire(obj, ...)

Generic function for constructing an interactive questionnaire

Julia Equivalent: IAI.Questionnaire


  • obj: The object controlling which method is used
  • ...: Arguments depending on the specific method used
multi_questionnaire(obj, ...)

Construct an interactive tree questionnaire using multiple learners from the results of a grid search

Julia Equivalent: IAI.MultiQuestionnaire


  • obj: The grid to visualize
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

Grid Search

grid_search(lnr, ...)

Controls grid search over parameter combinations

Julia Equivalent: IAI.GridSearch


  • lnr: The learner to use when validating.
  • ...: The parameters to validate over.
fit(obj, X, ...)

Fits a grid_search to the training data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit!


  • obj: The grid search to fit.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
fit_cv(grid, X, ...)

Fits a grid search to the training data with cross-validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_cv!


  • grid: The grid to fit.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
fit_transform_cv(grid, X, ...)

Train a grid using cross-validation with features and impute all missing values in these features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_transform_cv!


  • grid: The grid to use for imputation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Return the fitted learner using the best parameter combination from a grid

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_learner


  • grid: The grid to query.

Tree Learners

General tree learners

apply(lnr, X)

Return the leaf index in a tree model into which each point in the features falls

Julia Equivalent: IAI.apply


  • lnr: The learner or grid to query.
  • X: The features of the data.
apply_nodes(lnr, X)

Return the indices of the points in the features that fall into each node of a trained tree model

Julia Equivalent: IAI.apply_nodes


  • lnr: The learner or grid to query.
  • X: The features of the data.
decision_path(lnr, X)

Return a matrix where entry (i, j) is true if the ith point in the features passes through the jth node in a trained tree model.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.decision_path


  • lnr: The learner or grid to query.
  • X: The features of the data.
print_path(lnr, X, ...)

Print the decision path through the learner for each sample in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.print_path


  • lnr: The learner or grid to query.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
variable_importance(obj, ...)

Generate a ranking of the variables in a tree learner according to their importance during training. The results are normalized so that they sum to one.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.variable_importance


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
get_depth(lnr, node_index)

Get the depth of a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_depth


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_parent(lnr, node_index)

Get the index of the parent node at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_parent


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_lower_child(lnr, node_index)

Get the index of the lower child at a split node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_lower_child


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_upper_child(lnr, node_index)

Get the index of the upper child at a split node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_upper_child


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_num_samples(lnr, node_index)

Get the number of training points contained in a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_num_samples


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_categoric_split(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree applies a categoric split

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_categoric_split


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_hyperplane_split(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree applies a hyperplane split

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_hyperplane_split


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_leaf(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree is a leaf

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_leaf


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_mixed_ordinal_split(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree applies a mixed ordinal/categoric split

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_mixed_ordinal_split


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_ordinal_split(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree applies a ordinal split

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_ordinal_split


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
is_parallel_split(lnr, node_index)

Check if a node of a tree applies a parallel split

Julia Equivalent: IAI.is_parallel_split


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_split_categories(lnr, node_index)

Return the categoric/ordinal information used in the split at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_split_categories


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_split_feature(lnr, node_index)

Return the feature used in the split at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_split_feature


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_split_threshold(lnr, node_index)

Return the threshold used in the split at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_split_threshold


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
get_split_weights(lnr, node_index)

Return the weights for numeric and categoric features used in the hyperplane split at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_split_weights


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
missing_goes_lower(lnr, node_index)

Check if points with missing values go to the lower child at a split node of of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.missing_goes_lower


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.

Classification tree learners

get_regression_constant(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the constant term in the logistic regression prediction at a node of a classification tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_constant


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

get_regression_weights(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the weights for each feature in the logistic regression prediction at a node of a classification tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

set_threshold(lnr, label, threshold, ...)

For a binary classification problem, update the the predicted labels in the leaves of the learner to predict a label only if the predicted probability is at least the specified threshold.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.set_threshold!


  • lnr: The learner to modify.
  • label: The referenced label.
  • threshold: The probability threshold above which label will be be predicted.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
set_display_label(lnr, display_label)

Show the probability of a specified label when visualizing a learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.set_display_label!


  • lnr: The learner to modify.
  • display_label: The label for which to show probabilities.

Reset the predicted probability displayed to be that of the predicted label when visualizing a learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.reset_display_label!


  • lnr: The learner to modify.

Regression tree learners

get_regression_weights(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the weights for each feature in the linear regression prediction at a node of a regression tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Survival tree learners

get_survival_curve(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the survival curve at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_survival_curve


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
get_survival_expected_time(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the predicted expected survival time at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_survival_expected_time


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

get_survival_hazard(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the predicted hazard ratio at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_survival_hazard


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

get_regression_constant(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the constant term in the cox regression prediction at a node of a survival tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_constant


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

get_regression_weights(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the weights for each feature in the cox regression prediction at a node of a survival tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

Prescription tree learners

get_prescription_treatment_rank(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the treatments ordered from most effective to least effective at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_prescription_treatment_rank


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
get_regression_constant(obj, node_index, treatment, ...)

Return the constant term in the linear regression prediction at a node of a prescription tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_constant


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • treatment: The treatment to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
get_regression_weights(obj, node_index, treatment, ...)

Return the weights for each feature in the linear regression prediction at a node of a prescription tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • treatment: The treatment to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Policy tree learners

get_policy_treatment_rank(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the treatments ordered from most effective to least effective at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_policy_treatment_rank


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

get_policy_treatment_outcome(lnr, node_index, ...)

Return the quality of the treatments at a node of a tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_policy_treatment_outcome


  • lnr: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

Multi-task learners

get_regression_weights(obj, node_index, ...)

Return the weights for each feature in the logistic regression prediction at a node of a multi-task classification tree

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_regression_weights and IAI.get_regression_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • node_index: The node in the tree to query.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.

Tree learner visualization

write_png(filename, lnr, ...)

Output a learner as a PNG image

Before using this function, either run load_graphviz or ensure that Graphviz is installed and on the system PATH

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_png


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • lnr: The learner to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
write_pdf(filename, lnr, ...)

Output a learner as a PDF image

Before using this function, either run load_graphviz or ensure that Graphviz is installed and on the system PATH

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_pdf


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • lnr: The learner to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

write_svg(filename, lnr, ...)

Output a learner as a SVG image

Before using this function, either run load_graphviz or ensure that Graphviz is installed and on the system PATH

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_svg


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • lnr: The learner to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

write_dot(filename, lnr, ...)

Output a learner in .dot format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_dot


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • lnr: The learner to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
write_html(filename, obj, ...)

Output a tree learner as an interactive browser visualization in HTML format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_html


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The learner or grid to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Outputting a grid search requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

show_in_browser(obj, ...)

Show interactive tree visualization of a tree learner in the default browser

Julia Equivalent: IAI.show_in_browser


  • obj: The learner or grid to visualize.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Showing a grid search requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

write_questionnaire(filename, obj, ...)

Output a tree learner as an interactive questionnaire in HTML format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_questionnaire


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The learner or grid to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Outputting a grid search requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

show_questionnaire(obj, ...)

Show an interactive questionnaire based on a tree learner in default browser

Julia Equivalent: IAI.show_questionnaire


  • obj: The learner or grid to visualize.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Showing a grid search requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

multi_tree_plot(obj, ...)

Construct an interactive tree visualization of multiple tree learners from the results of a grid search

Julia Equivalent: IAI.MultiTreePlot


  • obj: The grid to visualize
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

Tree Stability

get_tree(lnr, index)

Return a copy of the learner that uses a specific tree rather than the tree with the best training objective.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_tree


  • lnr: The original learner
  • index: The index of the tree to use
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

Stability Analysis


Return the trained trees in order of increasing objective value, along with their variable importance scores for each feature

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_stability_results


  • stability: The stability analysis to query
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

get_cluster_distances(stability, num_trees)

Return the distances between the centroids of each pair of clusters, under the clustering of a given number of trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_cluster_distances


  • stability: The stability analysis to query
  • num_trees: The number of trees to include in the clustering
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

get_cluster_assignments(stability, num_trees)

Return the indices of the trees assigned to each cluster, under the clustering of a given number of trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_cluster_assignments


  • stability: The stability analysis to query
  • num_trees: The number of trees to include in the clustering
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

get_cluster_details(stability, num_trees)

Return the centroid information for each cluster, under the clustering of a given number of trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_cluster_details


  • stability: The stability analysis to query
  • num_trees: The number of trees to include in the clustering
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

plot(x, ...)

Plot a stability analysis


  • x: The stability analysis to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

ggplot2::autoplot(object, ...)

Construct a ggplot2::ggplot object plotting the results of the stability analysis


  • object: The stability analysis to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

Similarity Comparison

variable_importance_similarity(lnr, new_lnr, ...)

Calculate similarity between the final tree in a tree learner with all trees in new tree learner using variable importance scores.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.variable_importance_similarity


  • lnr: The original learner
  • new_lnr: The new learner
  • ...: Additional arguments (refer to Julia documentation)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

similarity_comparison(lnr, new_lnr, deviations)

Conduct a similarity comparison between the final tree in a learner and all trees in a new learner to consider the tradeoff between training performance and similarity to the original tree

Refer to the documentation on tree stability for more information.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.SimilarityComparison


  • lnr: The original learner
  • new_lnr: The new learner
  • deviations: The deviation between the original tree and each tree in the new learner
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.


Extract the training objective value for each candidate tree in the comparison, where a lower value indicates a better solution

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_train_errors


  • similarity: The similarity comparison
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

plot(x, ...)

Plot a similarity comparison


  • x: The similarity comparison to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

ggplot2::autoplot(object, ...)

Construct a ggplot2::ggplot object plotting the results of the similarity comparison


  • object: The similarity comparison to plot
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

Optimal Trees


Learner for training Optimal Classification Trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreeClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for training Optimal Regression Trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreeRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for training Optimal Prescriptive Trees where the prescriptions should aim to minimize outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreePrescriptionMinimizer


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for training Optimal Prescriptive Trees where the prescriptions should aim to maximize outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreePrescriptionMaximizer


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for training Optimal Policy Trees where the policy should aim to minimize outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreePolicyMinimizer


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.


Learner for training Optimal Policy Trees where the policy should aim to maximize outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreePolicyMaximizer


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.


Learner for training multi-task Optimal Classification Trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreeMultiClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.


Learner for training multi-task Optimal Regression Trees

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalTreeMultiRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.2 or higher.

refit_leaves(lnr, ...)

Refit the models in the leaves of a trained learner using the supplied data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.refit_leaves!


  • lnr: The learner to refit
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

copy_splits_and_refit_leaves(new_lnr, orig_lnr, ...)

Copy the tree split structure from one learner into another and refit the models in each leaf of the tree using the supplied data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.copy_splits_and_refit_leaves!


  • new_lnr: The learner to modify and refit
  • orig_lnr: The learner from which to copy the tree split structure
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

prune_trees(lnr, ...)

Use the trained trees in a learner along with the supplied validation data to determine the best value for the cp parameter and then prune the trees according to this value

Julia Equivalent: IAI.prune_trees!


  • lnr: The learner to prune
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.


impute(X, ...)

Impute missing values using either a specified method or through validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.impute

This function was deprecated in iai 1.7.0. This is for consistency with the IAI v3.0.0 Julia release.


  • X: The dataframe in which to impute missing values.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
impute_cv(X, ...)

Impute missing values using cross validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.impute_cv

This function was deprecated in iai 1.7.0. This is for consistency with the IAI v3.0.0 Julia release.


  • X: The dataframe in which to impute missing values.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
imputation_learner(method = "opt_knn", ...)

Generic learner for imputing missing values

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ImputationLearner


  • method: (optional) Specifies the imputation method to use.
  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting optimal k-NN imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptKNNImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting optimal SVM imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptSVMImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting optimal tree-based imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptTreeImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting mean imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.MeanImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting random imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.RandImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.

Learner for conducting zero-imputation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ZeroImputationLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

fit_and_expand(lnr, X, ...)

Fit an imputation learner with training features and create adaptive indicator features to encode the missing pattern

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_and_expand!


  • lnr: The learner to use for imputation.
  • X: The dataframe in which to impute missing values.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

transform_and_expand(lnr, X, ...)

Transform features with a trained imputation learner and create adaptive indicator features to encode the missing pattern

Julia Equivalent: IAI.transform_and_expand


  • lnr: The learner to use for imputation.
  • X: The dataframe in which to impute missing values.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

Optimal Feature Selection


Learner for conducting Optimal Feature Selection on classification problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalFeatureSelectionClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.


Learner for conducting Optimal Feature Selection on regression problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.OptimalFeatureSelectionRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

fit(obj, X, ...)

Fits an Optimal Feature Selection learner to the training data

When the coordinated_sparsity parameter of the learner is TRUE, additional keyword arguments are required - please refer to the Julia documentation.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit!


  • obj: The learner or grid to fit.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

predict(obj, X, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the predictions made by an Optimal Feature Selection learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the cluster to use for prediction, if the coordinated_sparsity parameter on the learner is TRUE.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the score for an Optimal Feature Selection learner on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. If the coordinated_sparsity parameter on the learner is TRUE, then fit_index must be used to specify which cluster should be used. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

variable_importance(obj, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Generate a ranking of the variables in an Optimal Feature Selection learner according to their importance during training. The results are normalized so that they sum to one.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.variable_importance


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • fit_index: The index of the cluster to use for prediction, if the coordinated_sparsity parameter on the learner is TRUE.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

get_prediction_constant(obj, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the constant term in the prediction in a trained Optimal Feature Selection learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_prediction_constant


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • fit_index: The index of the cluster to use for prediction, if the coordinated_sparsity parameter on the learner is TRUE.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

get_prediction_weights(obj, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the weights for numeric and categoric features used for prediction in a trained Optimal Feature Selection learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_prediction_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • fit_index: The index of the cluster to use for prediction, if the coordinated_sparsity parameter on the learner is TRUE.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 1.1 or higher.

write_questionnaire(filename, obj, ...)

Output an Optimal Feature Selection learner as an interactive questionnaire in HTML format

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_questionnaire


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • obj: The learner or grid to output.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

show_questionnaire(obj, ...)

Show an interactive questionnaire based on an Optimal Feature Selection learner in default browser

Julia Equivalent: IAI.show_questionnaire


  • obj: The learner or grid to visualize.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

plot(x, ...)

Plot a grid search results for Optimal Feature Selection learners


IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

ggplot2::autoplot(object, type = stop("`type` is required"), ...)

Construct a ggplot2::ggplot object plotting grid search results for Optimal Feature Selection learners


IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

get_num_fits(obj, ...)

Return the number of fits along the path in a trained Optimal Feature Selection learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_num_fits


  • obj: The Optimal Feature Selection learner to query.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

Reward Estimation

fit_predict(obj, ...)

Generic function for fitting a reward estimator on features, treatments and returning predicted counterfactual rewards and scores of the internal estimators.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_predict!


  • obj: The object controlling which method is used
  • ...: Arguments depending on the specific method used

Categorical Treatments


Learner for conducting reward estimation with categorical treatments and regression outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.CategoricalRegressionRewardEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.


Learner for conducting reward estimation with categorical treatments and survival outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.CategoricalSurvivalRewardEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

fit_predict(obj, X, treatments, ...)

Fit a categorical reward estimator on features, treatments and outcomes and return predicted counterfactual rewards for each observation, under each treatment observed in the data, as well as the scores of the internal estimators.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_predict!


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • treatments: The treatment applied to each point in the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

predict(obj, X, ...)

Return counterfactual rewards estimated by a categorical reward estimator for each observation in the supplied data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.0 or higher.

score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the scores for a categorical reward estimator on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for other available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

predict_reward(obj, X, ...)

Return counterfactual rewards estimated by a categorical reward estimator for each observation in the supplied data and predictions

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_reward


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.


Learner that estimates equal propensity for all treatments.

For use with data from randomized experiments where treatments are known to be randomly assigned.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.EqualPropensityEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

Numeric Treatments


Learner for conducting reward estimation with numeric treatments and classification outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.NumericClassificationRewardEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.


Learner for conducting reward estimation with numeric treatments and regression outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.NumericRegressionRewardEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.


Learner for conducting reward estimation with numeric treatments and survival outcomes

Julia Equivalent: IAI.NumericSurvivalRewardEstimator


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

get_estimation_densities(lnr, ...)

Return the total kernel density surrounding each treatment candidate for the propensity/outcome estimation problems in a fitted learner.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_estimation_densities


  • lnr: The learner from which to extract densities
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for other parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

tune_reward_kernel_bandwidth(lnr, ...)

Conduct the reward kernel bandwidth tuning procedure for a range of starting bandwidths and return the final tuned values.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.tune_reward_kernel_bandwidth


  • lnr: The learner to use for tuning the bandwidth
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for other parameters
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

set_reward_kernel_bandwidth(lnr, ...)

Save a new reward kernel bandwidth inside a learner, and return new reward predictions generated using this bandwidth for the original data used to train the learner.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.set_reward_kernel_bandwidth!


  • lnr: The learner to modify
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

fit_predict(obj, X, treatments, ...)

Fit a numeric reward estimator on features, treatments and outcomes and return predicted counterfactual rewards for each observation, under each treatment candidate, as well as the scores of the internal estimators.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.fit_predict!


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • treatments: The treatment applied to each point in the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

predict(obj, X, ...)

Return counterfactual rewards estimated by a numeric reward estimator for each observation in the supplied data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the scores for a numeric reward estimator on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. Refer to the Julia documentation for other available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

predict_reward(obj, X, ...)

Return counterfactual rewards estimated by a numeric reward estimator for each observation in the supplied data and predictions

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_reward


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for estimation
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Additional arguments depending on the treatment and outcome types. Refer to the Julia documentation for more information.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.


Return a dataframe containing all treatment combinations of one or more treatment vectors, ready for use as treatment candidates in fit_predict! or predict

Julia Equivalent: IAI.all_treatment_combinations


  • ...: A vector of possible options for each treatment


Random Forests


Learner for training random forests for classification problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.RandomForestClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


Learner for training random forests for regression problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.RandomForestRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


Learner for training random forests for survival problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.RandomForestSurvivalLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.



Learner for training XGBoost models for classification problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.XGBoostClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


Learner for training XGBoost models for regression problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.XGBoostRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


Learner for training XGBoost models for survival problems

Julia Equivalent: IAI.XGBoostSurvivalLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

predict_shap(lnr, X)

Calculate SHAP values for all points in the features using the learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_shap


  • lnr: The XGBoost learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.2 or higher.

write_booster(filename, lnr)

Write the internal booster saved in the learner to file

Julia Equivalent: IAI.write_booster


  • filename: Where to save the output.
  • lnr: The XGBoost learner with the booster to output.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.



Learner for training GLMNet models for classification problems with cross-validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.GLMNetCVClassifier


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

predict_proba(obj, X, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the probabilities of class membership predicted by a glmnetcv_classifier learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_proba


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

roc_curve(obj, X, y, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Construct an ROC curve using a trained glmnetcv_classifier on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.ROCCurve


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • y: The labels of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.


Learner for training GLMNet models for regression problems with cross-validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.GLMNetCVRegressor


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.


Learner for training GLMNet models for survival problems with cross-validation

Julia Equivalent: IAI.GLMNetCVSurvivalLearner


  • ...: Use keyword arguments to set parameters on the resulting learner. Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

predict_expected_survival_time(obj, X, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the expected survival time estimate made by a glmnetcv_survival_learner for each point in the features.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_expected_survival_time


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

predict_hazard(obj, X, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the fitted hazard coefficient estimate made by a glmnetcv_survival_learner for each point in the features.

A higher hazard coefficient estimate corresponds to a smaller predicted survival time.

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict_hazard


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 3.0 or higher.

predict(obj, X, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the predictions made by a GLMNet learner for each point in the features

Julia Equivalent: IAI.predict


  • obj: The learner or grid to use for prediction.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Refer to the Julia documentation for available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

score(obj, X, ...)

Calculate the score for a GLMNet learner on the given data

Julia Equivalent: IAI.score


  • obj: The learner or grid to evaluate.
  • X: The features of the data.
  • ...: Other parameters, including zero or more target vectors as required by the problem type. fit_index can be used to specify the index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied. Refer to the Julia documentation for other available parameters.
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

get_prediction_constant(obj, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the constant term in the prediction in a trained GLMNet learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_prediction_constant


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

get_prediction_weights(obj, fit_index = NULL, ...)

Return the weights for numeric and categoric features used for prediction in a trained GLMNet learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_prediction_weights


  • obj: The learner to query.
  • fit_index: The index of the fit in the path to use for prediction, defaulting to the best fit if not supplied.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

get_num_fits(obj, ...)

Return the number of fits along the path in a trained GLMNet learner

Julia Equivalent: IAI.get_num_fits


  • obj: The GLMNet learner to query.
  • ...: Additional arguments (unused)
IAI Compatibility

Requires IAI version 2.1 or higher.

This documentation is not for the latest stable release, but for either the development version or an older release.
Click here to go to the documentation for the latest stable release.