Decision Tree Visualization

This page contains a guide the many options for visualizing tree learners.

Interactive Visualizations

Tree Visualization

The write_html function allows you to construct an interactive browser visualization of a tree learner:

IAI.write_html("tree.html", lnr)
Optimal Trees Visualization
≥ 1.75 < 1.75 ≥ 2.45 < 2.45Predict setosa p = 33.33%1PetalLengthPredict setosa p = 100.00%2Predict versicolor p = 50.00%3PetalWidthPredict versicolor p = 90.74%4Predict virginica p = 97.83%5

In a Jupyter notebook, tree learners are automatically visualized in this way. If you are working from a terminal, you can open a browser window with a visualization of any tree learner using show_in_browser.

You can include the data in the interactive visualization using the data keyword argument:

IAI.write_html("tree_with_data.html", lnr, data=(X, y))
Optimal Trees Visualization
to of
Page of
≥ 1.75 < 1.75 ≥ 2.45 < 2.45Predict setosa p = 33.33%1PetalLengthPredict setosa p = 100.00%2Predict versicolor p = 50.00%3PetalWidthPredict versicolor p = 90.74%4Predict virginica p = 97.83%5

The dataset is displayed in a table above the tree visualization, with additional columns containing predictions made by the tree model. The table has the following functionality:

  • the rows can be sorted and filtered using the column headers
  • the columns can be resized and rearranged
  • clicking on a row in the table will highlight the path this point takes through the tree
  • clicking a leaf in the tree will filter the data to show the points contained in this leaf


The write_questionnaire function allows you to create an interactive questionnaire from a tree learner.

IAI.write_questionnaire("questions.html", lnr)

You can open a browser window with the questionnaire for any tree learner using show_questionnaire.

These functions accept the keyword argument include_not_sure_buttons to control whether a "Not sure" response is offered for each question (the default behavior is to show these buttons if the training data had any missing values).

IAI.write_questionnaire("questions.html", lnr, include_not_sure_buttons=true)

If a user selects the "Not sure" response when completing the questionnaire, it is handled as follows:

  • if this is the only feature used at a split in the tree, its value will be treated as missing and the split rule for missing data will be used for selecting the next question (note that if the original learner was trained without specifying missingdatamode, then the fallback behavior is for missing values to always follow the upper branch)
  • if this feature is used together with other features (e.g. in a hyperplane split or linear regression function), its value will be imputed using the mean value for this feature in the original training data

Multi-learner Interactive Visualizations

It is possible to combine many learners into a single interactive visualization that will present the user with the ability to change between the trees. We combine the learners as follows:

  • a question is a Pair of the form question => responses where question is the string prompt for the question and responses is a vector of possible responses
  • each response is also a Pair of the form answer => next where answer is the string answer for this option, and next indicates how to proceed if this response is selected. The possible options for next are:
    • another question to continue presenting options
    • a tree learner to visualize

The following example prepares a series of questions to choose between a group of learners:

questions = ("Use tree" => [
    "with hyperplanes" => lnr_hyper,
    "without hyperplanes" => ("and maximum depth" => [
        "1" => lnr_nohyper_depth1,
        "2" => lnr_nohyper_depth2,

We pass this to MultiTreePlot or MultiQuestionnaire to construct the visualization, which can then be saved to file with write_html or opened in the browser with show_in_browser as desired:

Optimal Trees Visualization
Use tree
≥ 192.5 < 192.5 ≥ 101.5 < 101.5 ≥ 5 < 5Mean 20.09 n = 321Cyl-0.00416 * Disp-0.3656 * AMMean 25.48 n = 142DispMean 15.9 n = 185HP + 0.7023 * QSec-117.2 * AMPredict 30.88 n = 53Predict 22.48 n = 94Predict 17.54 n = 116Predict 13.33 n = 77

Visualizing Grid Search Results

You can visualize a grid search using MultiTreePlot, show_in_browser, and write_html to display the best fitted tree learner from the search, as well as tree learners under each parameter combination in a multi-learner visualization style:

using CSV, DataFrames
df ="iris.csv", DataFrame)
X = df[:, 1:4]
y = df[:, 5]
grid = IAI.GridSearch(
)!(grid, X, y)
Optimal Trees Visualization
≥ 6.95 < 6.95 ≥ 1.75 < 1.75 ≥ 3.1 < 3.1 ≥ 4.85 < 4.85 ≥ 4.95 < 4.95 ≥ 1.55 < 1.55 ≥ 0.8 < 0.8Predict setosa p = 33.33%1PetalWidthPredict setosa p = 100.00%2Predict versicolor p = 50.00%3PetalWidthPredict versicolor p = 93.75%4PetalLengthPredict virginica p = 90.38%7PetalLengthPredict versicolor p = 100.00%5Predict virginica p = 100.00%6Predict versicolor p = 50.00%8SepalWidthPredict virginica p = 95.65%11PetalWidthPredict virginica p = 100.00%9Predict versicolor p = 100.00%10Predict versicolor p = 66.67%12SepalLengthPredict virginica p = 100.00%15Predict versicolor p = 100.00%13Predict virginica p = 100.00%14

In a Jupyter notebook, the grid search will automatically be visualized in this way.

Similarly, you can construct an interactive questionnaire based on the grid search results using MultiQuestionnaire, show_questionnaire, and write_questionnaire.

Static Images

The write_png, write_pdf, and write_svg functions allow you to visualize a tree learner as an image in the respective format:

using Graphviz_jll
IAI.write_png("tree.png", lnr)

In order to use these functions, you must have a functional installation of GraphViz. There are two options:

  • recommended: load the Graphviz_jll package in Julia with using or import (shown above)
  • install Graphviz manually and ensure it is on the system PATH.

As an alternative, you can also use write_dot to export the tree in .dot format and use GraphViz to render it as an image at a later time.


Missing values

When displaying the tree in the terminal or as an image, if the observations with missing observations goes to the lower child, the split message will say is missing in addition to the split criterion. Otherwise, no explicit message is displayed regarding the missing data direction.

Fitted OptimalTreeClassifier:
  1) Split: PqaqkCGc < 40
    2) Split: UJS68cRl ≤ 3 or is missing
      3) Predict: 1 (86.87%), [13,86], 99 points, error 0.1313
      4) Predict: 0 (100.00%), [33,0], 33 points, error 0
    5) Split: hKUNQhuZ is missing
      6) Predict: 1 (98.75%), [1,79], 80 points, error 0.0125
      7) Predict: 0 (92.36%), [266,22], 288 points, error 0.07639

In the interactive tree visualization, the child node that receives data with missing values is denoted by a small dot on top of the node.

Optimal Trees Visualization
5 factors≥ 4≤ 3 ≥ 40 < 40Predict 0 p = 62.60%1PqaqkCGcPredict 1 p = 65.15%2UJS68cRlPredict 0 p = 72.55%5hKUNQhuZPredict 1 p = 86.87%3Predict 0 p = 100.00%4Predict 1 p = 98.75%6Predict 0 p = 92.36%7

You can remove these missing-direction indicators by setting the show_missing_direction keyword argument to false.

Specifying the display label

By default, classification tree learners show the probability of the predicted label in each leaf:

Optimal Trees Visualization
≥ 0.264 < 0.264Predict B p = 51.00%1x1Predict B p = 68.97%2Predict A p = 56.34%3

In the example above, we see that one leaf predicts A with 55% probability and the other predicts B with 85% probability. To make it easier to compare these probabilities at a glance, it might be preferable to show the probability of predicting the same label in every leaf, e.g., showing the probability of predicting A in each leaf.

Using set_display_label! it is possible to configure the visualization to show the probability for a specified label in each leaf. In this case, probability of label A is displayed in all leaves:

IAI.set_display_label!(lnr, "A")
Optimal Trees Visualization
≥ 0.264 < 0.264Predict B p(A) = 49.00%1x1Predict B p(A) = 31.03%2Predict A p(A) = 56.34%3

The original behavior can be restored using reset_display_label!.

Rich output in terminal

When using iTerm2 with shell integration, it is possible for trees to be displayed graphically in the REPL rather than as plain text. This feature requires that you have TerminalExtensions.jl installed and graphviz available on the system path. After installing TerminalExtensions, make sure to follow the setup instructions in the README.

On macOS, you can install graphviz with brew install graphviz --with-pango.